In a past post I talked about the power of cold weather fish food and how important it is to your pond life's health. Today I’m going to talk in greater detail about one of the specific kinds of food we at Pondliner recommend you buy: Microbe-Lift Legacy Cold Weather Fish Food.
This type of fish food comes from a brand that our pond supplies professionals really trust. Microbe-Lift makes great products, and we think this fish food does wonderful things for your pond life during the cold winter months.
Why is it so great? Well, this particular cold weather fish food is made with lesser amounts of protein and wheat germ, and instead contains a higher level of fats. This makes it much easier for your fish to digest as their systems begin slowing down and processing food less effectively. In addition, it contains probiotics that produce enzymes used specifically to break down carbohydrates, protein and fat.
So not only does this cold weather fish food contain ingredients that are easy to digest, it also contains elements that help with the digestive process itself. Pretty cool.
The Microbe-Lift Legacy brand provides a balanced feeding system that will keep your fish healthy and happy even as their systems begin steadily shutting down for winter. It meets their unique nutritional needs = and helps to keep them strong even during the coldest months of the year.
Remember, feeding your fish the proper kind of food during winter is essential for keeping them healthy and happy. Take a step in the right direction by purchasing the Microbe-Lift Legacy brand this season.