Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tropical Water Lilies

Tropical water lilies are by far my favorite aquatic plant. Even though they are an annual plant, their performance still make them an excellent investment in your water garden. What makes them so great?

Blooms, blooms and more blooms. And brillantly colored blooms at that. My favorites are the night blooming lilies that allows working guys like me to enjoy the blooms in the evenings.

    Here's a some of tips to get the most from your water lilies- tropical or hardy.

  • Plant your lilies in a large pot or planting pocket. The more room the lily has to develop its root system the more leaves and blooms it will put off.
  • Fertilize your water lily with premium fertilizer tablets every two weeks. Three to four tablets is not uncommon for larger lilies or lilies you want to become larger.
  • Trim off dead leaves and most importantly, blooms that have been spent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great blog you have here. Excellent tips at getting more growth from your water lilies.

Yeah many people love tropical water lilies. Somethings people love about them is they come in more variety of colors and they are fragrant.

My favourite tropical water lilies include the Queen Of Siam, Ruby and Royal Purple. Among the hardy lilies are the Mayla and the Mangkala Ubol which was an award winning water lily in 1997. An awesome lily.

Another tip for people to do for planting them in a pot is make sure it's a bigger low pot. Water lilies grow horizontal so people don't need to have tall vertical pots, they just need more room to grow sideways or people will be potting them again. Water lilies are excellent growers.

Love your blog. Keep up the great work.


Jamie Boyle
Water Lily Gardener