Here is a letter we received about leaf netting that made me chuckle:
Dear Pondliner,
At the end of last season, I knew it was time to replace the leaf netting that I had been using for the past five years. I decided to go with the Premium Leaf Netting for my 20'x20' pond. It was a prefect fit. I was like a little boy again on Christmas morning, all excited to open and set up my latest pond purchase when it arrived. Like all other pond products, the leaf netting came with instructions on how to set it up, maintenance tips, and of course how to anchor it down.
After setting up my new leaf netting, I was sure my pond was safe from flying leaves and predators.
A few weeks later, I started to notice that leaves were in my pond. I was shocked because it was a brand-new leaf net. Being the self-proclaimed pond expert that I am, I was sure I did nothing wrong. So I thought. I removed the leaf netting and examined it for holes. Nothing. The leaf netting was good as new. I skimmed the top of my pond to remove the abundance of leaves and thought maybe they just slipped through the cracks. It has happened before, but I never had to skim out this many. I spent about two hours skimming the pond and wondering how this could have happened.
As I was putting the leaf netting back on my pond I noticed that some stakes used to anchor it down were missing. Again this was weird. I looked in the ground, nothing. I looked all around my yard, nothing. I was getting frustrated at this point. I lined up the leaf netting the same way I previously had it when I noticed there were no holes in the ground on one side of my pond. Yep, this pond expert forgot to properly secure his pond netting a few weeks earlier.
Point of the story, make sure that you properly anchor down your leaf netting and you won't have to rake out your pond like I did. I just wanted to share a story and thank you for offering a wide range of pond supplies. Your technical staff is always been great in helping me whenever I have a question or concern. Keep up the great work!
South Bend, IN

Good advice Rick. Thanks for being a loyal customer and remember has all of your pond supplies for the fall and winter seasons.
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