Monday, June 27, 2011

Keeping Your Pond Clean Just Became More Affordable

Whether you are a pond enthusiast or are in the process of building your first backyard water garden, you understand the importance of keeping your pond water clean, clear and healthy.

If you have koi or goldfish in your pond, they are continually eating and producing waste that can quickly build up and cause problems. In addition, debris from the air and surrounding trees and plants can accumulate and really clog up your ecosystem.

Thankfully, by purchasing the right pond supplies and performing regular maintenance, you have the resources you need to keep these problems under control. Pondliner is currently running promotions on three of our products that are specifically designed to keep your pond water clean.

Promotions on Pond Cleaning Supplies

From now until July 6, we are offering discounts on the following pond supplies:
In case you aren't sure what any of these products can do, here's a brief explanation:

Microbe-Lift PL: this formula creates a cleaner environment in your pond by reducing ammonia nitrogen levels, dissolving sludge, maintaining biological pond filters, reducing buildup of debris, breaking down algae, clearing up cloudy water and more. At 15% off its already low price, it's a great deal for your backyard water garden.

Alpine Surge Pumps: with a GPH of either 400, 1000 or 1340, these pond pumps help to manage flow control and increase the efficiency of your pond's filtration system. And because they promote energy-efficient operation, you'll be saving money while keeping your pond clean and clear.

ProEco Vacuum: this versatile product can be used either wet or dry to make pond cleanup as easy as possible. It features a single chamber that fills and empties automatically on a preset timer to remove sludge and debris in no time at all.

Remember, these deals are only good until July 6, so be sure to take advantage of them. Keep your pond clear and healthy so you can fully enjoy it and your ecosystem can flourish year after year.

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