Wednesday, December 07, 2011

What Size of Pond Heater is Right for My Pond?

Finding the right pond heater for your pond is much easier than you may think. You have lots of options, but the most important things to pay attention to are climate and size.

Starting with size, all you need to do is determine how many gallons of water your pond holds. Not sure how to do this? Use our handy pond liner size calculator. Just enter the appropriate measurements of your backyard pond and our tool will determine the volume for you.

Once you have the volume of your pond, it’s time to think about your local climate. The average winter temperatures your pond is going to be battling directly influence what kind of pond heater you need to buy.

Use the map below to identify your zone. Then use the corresponding chart to match your temperature zone and your pond volume to determine how powerful your pond heater needs to be. (to view a larger image of the map, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page)

Does it even really matter how powerful my pond heater is? Absolutely. If it isn’t powerful enough, it won’t work effectively to keep a section of your pond from freezing over and your fish could suffer. However, if it’s too powerful, you’ll be losing lots of money in energy costs. Either way, it definitely pays off to choose a pond heater that accurately meets your pond’s specific needs.

Have more questions about pond heaters and other pond supplies? Contact a professional at today.

*Image provided by Sparkling Backyard Garden Koi Ponds, LLC

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